第四十三章 参加歌诗达的面试

眼前坐着三个外国人,听说是新加坡人。其中坐在中间的一位面试官说:“hello!first please introduce yourself to us!”

吴倩看着三位外国面试官有点紧张,说话的声音也有点抖:“OK! I'm very glad to have this interview,my name is WuQian,I'm from GanSu province,I'm a student of XiAn urban #### college,my major is a flight attendant,I dream of being a flight attendant or a sea attendant,I'm easygoing and i like to challenge myself,That's all!”

其中坐在左边的戴眼镜的面试官说:“Whic position are you applying for?and have you told your panrents that you want to work on ship? Do they agree with you?”

吴倩依然紧张的说:“The position i applied for is waiter.and my parents know that i want to work on the ship,and they support me very much.”

右边的面试官没有说话,中间的面试官突然说:“Do you nkow what spices and drinks arein western food?”

吴倩有点懵,没有听懂“spices”这个单词,于是不好意思的说:“I'm sorry to tell you that,I dont hear you,could you please repeate it again?”



面试官看着吴倩通红的脸,知道吴倩答不上便说:“Oh,well!you can go! Thank you for your Interview!”



